Mystery dater

mid-30's, single, some say attractive, now in chicago. the trials and tribulations of dating from my perspective.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

oh i just don't know

hmmm. second date was OK. not great. not terrible. i just feel like at this point, if i'm not feeling pretty psyched after the second date, is it worth going much further? i'll have to think about it. the guy in question is away for a few days so i have some time. but my gut says...not so much.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

thought for the day #2...

score one point (or 7?) for the guy who wants to hang out, drink beer, and make me laugh during monday night football. the play has been reviewed, and the guy who cited football as his excuse for not calling on sunday is now disqualified.

added points to mr. monday for calling tuesday to see if i am free on friday for date #2. (i said yes.)

ah, this dating stuff is nutty.

go eagles, and if they aren't playing, go chargers.

Monday, September 11, 2006


well, in some respects i was wrong. this appeared in my inbox late sunday evening:

Hey there,
I'm really sorry , I forgot to call you. I was watching football, and drinking beer, you know the rest. Hope your [visit with family] was good. I would still like to get a beer soon tho, if you want to.
Have a good work week, its back to the grind bright and early.


Not sure this dude deserves a second chance...

Sunday, September 10, 2006


is this blog possibly bad luck?

or have i (inadvertently) educated myself right out of san diego's dating pool?

time will tell, i suppose.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

thought for the day...

here it is...

there is nothing like a good first date to make you realize how rare good first dates actually are.

who knows what if anything may come of it, but my faith is (at least temporarily) restored.

Friday, September 01, 2006's good for ya

i'm happy to see that a very good friend of mine (and one of my few faithful readers : ) appears to be back online.

he and i both have had some similar ups and downs in the world of dating of late.

i think having an outlet for one's thoughts, such as a blog, is a good thing for our mental health.

but i'm tired and feeling a bit lazy so instead of composing something new, i'm going to link to his latest post and share my response to it. enjoy!


his post:

my comment:

yay, you are back online! (i also followed the link from j*'s blog.)

since i've been on the east coast for the past week helping mom move from PA to NC, I've been thinking about this east coast-west coast thing. not to be self-aggrandizing, but i've definitely received more attention from males since i've been east. as i said to your sis, "i think we'd be hot here!" by which i meant that people on the east coast aren't "holding out" for the skinny but somehow large chested bikini-wearing so cal "ideal." not to say that's what all men want, but it is so visible in so cal and therefore might seem more attainable, whereas here people are more "real" it seems and less obsessed with body image. so i agree with you on that part.

i've always thought that going through difficult times make people stronger and more complex and while i think that holds most true for emotionally difficult times, i wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for all kinds of hard times, including harsh winters and humid summers. it almost seems silly to say that, but i think that many so cal folks often seem a bit "soft," particularly if they are from relatively privileged backgrounds. so you may be onto something there as well.

lastly -- trying to figure out if I understand the RDJr quote -- is he describing the west coast? if so, then it's lucky for you that a few of us normal girls let go enough to make it out here ; ).

xo j