have i told you lately...
...how much i f*in hate e-harmony?!?!?
after they send me a potentially promising match the day after my 6 month subscription expires (how convenient!), I go through four of their "stages of communication" with this guy (initiated by him), and today he "closes" on me. the reason? "other." so lame. not that i had my hopes up about this particular dude (as i told JS tonight, judging from the pictures, he may own a poodle, which could be a bit problematic for me. i mean, i love dogs...but a white poodle? sorry, i digress.)
perhaps my honest, candid responses rubbed him the wrong way. if so, that's just as well. but it's damn annoying that after now 7 months on that stupid site i haven't met a single person! they won't get any more of my money, no sir.
for what it's worth, these are the questions he posed (they have a list, though you can author your own if you like at this phase of communication) followed by my answers....
after they send me a potentially promising match the day after my 6 month subscription expires (how convenient!), I go through four of their "stages of communication" with this guy (initiated by him), and today he "closes" on me. the reason? "other." so lame. not that i had my hopes up about this particular dude (as i told JS tonight, judging from the pictures, he may own a poodle, which could be a bit problematic for me. i mean, i love dogs...but a white poodle? sorry, i digress.)
perhaps my honest, candid responses rubbed him the wrong way. if so, that's just as well. but it's damn annoying that after now 7 months on that stupid site i haven't met a single person! they won't get any more of my money, no sir.
for what it's worth, these are the questions he posed (they have a list, though you can author your own if you like at this phase of communication) followed by my answers....
1. Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud? |
In terms of an accomplishment, I'm most proud of the Ph.D. in Education Policy & Administration that I earned in September 2005. Getting that done took six years of intense focus and a fair amount of sacrifice. Personally, I'm most proud of the long-term friendships I've sustained -- I take friendship very seriously and have a number of great people who've been in my life for a decade or two. |
2. They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and how does it make you feel? |
I love listening to music. Nothing can set a mood, improve my mood, or bring back good memories than music. I enjoy making compilation CDs for my friends, playlists for myself, or just putting the iPod on shuffle and seeing what comes out. (I enjoy folk, jazz, alt/indie rock, some world music, etc.) Other simple pleasures include smiling at people (I love when they smile back) and high threadcount sheets. : ) |
3. Describe your spirituality. |
To be blunt, I'm rather skeptical of organized religion. But that doesn't mean I don't take spirituality seriously. I'm a strong believer in making the world a better place through daily actions. For me, that means working in a career that is directed toward a social cause (the improvement of public education), sharing kindness with others, and living with awareness (yoga helps with that). So while I don't go to church (if I did, perhaps it would be Unitarian, Friends, or a Buddhist temple) the development of a healthy inner life and knowledge of myself and what motivates me is really important. |
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
in my experience, folks who ask about "spirituality" tend to have an opinion about it that isn't, let's say, up for discussion. I went ahead and filled out the profile. so MANY freakin' questions on spirituality. don't churches have socials for this very reason?!
At 3:47 PM,
Jonna* said…
Socials, Bingo, Pot Lucks...
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