Mystery dater

mid-30's, single, some say attractive, now in chicago. the trials and tribulations of dating from my perspective.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


so my potential e-harmony connection responded to my questions and i liked what he had to say. then we progressed to the next step in the process: "must haves/can't stands." i sent mine but haven't heard back in a few days....hmmm....

well here they are in case you are curious. i can't believe i've given them 7 months of my hard earned time and money and i haven't met a single person!!

You sent your Must Haves and Can't Stands on July 17 2006, 09:46AM PT
Must Haves:
Intellect...... I must have a partner who is bright and can share my understanding of the world as well as enjoy discussing important issues.
Sense of Humor...... I must have someone who is sharp and can enjoy the humorous side of life.
Emotionally Healthy...... I must have a partner who is emotionally healthy, and able to share a stable life with someone else.
Family...... I must have someone who shares my desire to have or adopt children.
Tolerant...... I must have a partner who is able to hear and appreciate divergent viewpoints.
Self-Confident...... I must have a partner who knows and believes in himself/herself throughout life's ups and downs.
Communicator...... I must have someone who is good at talking and listening.
Emotionally Generous...... I must have a partner who enjoys people and is generous with his or her compassion, attention, sympathies and love.
Affectionate...... I must have someone who is comfortable giving and receiving affection.
Chemistry...... I must feel deeply in love with and attracted to my partner.

Can't Stands:
Anger...... I can't stand someone who can't manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside.
Lying...... I can't stand someone who lies to anyone-especially to me.
Rude...... I can't stand someone who is belittling, impatient or hateful to people in any situation.
Extremely Shy...... I can't stand someone who is so shy that they cannot open up and share with me.
Poor Hygiene...... I can't stand someone who is not clean.
Racist...... I can't stand someone who believes that any particular ethnic group to which they belong is superior to the rest of humanity.
Cheating...... I can't stand someone who takes advantage of people.
Addictions...... I can't stand someone who currently suffers from addictions.
Infidelity...... I can't stand someone who engages in sex outside a committed relationship.
Pessimism...... I can't stand someone who always sees the glass as half empty.


  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger zombie squirrels said…

    So it's either "can't stand" or "must have" - no inbetweens? I think it's fair to write them at this point and ask for a refund if you haven't met someone in all that time.

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger David said…

    So I'm reading these and I'm wondering-- does anyone answer these questions differently than you did? Like, does anyone say that infidelity is OK and they are not really looking for someone with a sense of humor?

    Also, where on the list is breast size? I think we all know what's really important here.

  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dang, the people on the commercials make it sound SO easy.

  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger j said…

    yay! the md loves having an audience. yes, i get annoyed whenever i see those commercials...the song "everlasting love" will forever be ruined for me. ah well. as to your comment, DT, neither breast size nor the size of any other appendages is a matching criteria, unfortunately ; ). interestingly, neither is height.

    stay tuned y'all! it's so fun to have an alter ego! ; ) ~ md


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