Mystery dater

mid-30's, single, some say attractive, now in chicago. the trials and tribulations of dating from my perspective.

Monday, February 27, 2006

why do i do this to myself?

no, not go on dates with guys 10 years my senior.

watch the finale of the bachelor. f*ck that travis dude.

i had to put my words to use, so here is the e-mail i sent to the one he didn't choose, the one with whom i clearly identified and thought seemed pretty awesome. god, even the fairy tale tv shows can't get it right. unless they really truly are looking for a girl next door -- not someone rare and special, but literally whatever girl happens to live next door. (sorry, a little vicarious bitterness, i'm sure it will subside by tomorrow.)

>hey moana,

i know you don't know me from adam, but i am completely shocked and flabbergasted by what i witnessed on tv tonight. sure that guy is attractive, tall, successful, charming, whatever. but he demonstrated tonight that he is incredibly manipulative and, in the end, shallow. i mean, do you really go half way across the world to meet someone you could run into at the grocery store, or do you take a chance, reach out of your safety zone, and go for something and someone truly unique and life-changing? as an interracial, smart, attractive woman, it just kills me to see this kind of thing. sure, there is a lot that must have happened behind the scenes that we didn't see, and they edit it to create a particular story, but even i feel manipulated. someone who truly deserves you would have honored your willingness to make yourself vulnerable and if he wasn't 100% into it should have respectfully sent you on your way instead of essentially tricking you right up to the end. (you looked absolutely gorgeous that final night, by the way.) i hope that the time between the taping and now has been healing for you -- i've known that feeling of heartbreak myself, being with someone who you are so certain is the one for you and it doesn't work out. i'm not far -- in san diego, so for a little humor related to dating, have a look at my blog ( and if you want to grab a drink sometime, it is on me.

hang in there, you seem to be an amazing person and i'm sure someone worthy will recognize that if he hasn't already.



  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hate reality tv, and I hate that you let yourself get sucked into it. You are a you are a 3 degree black belt in higher education...
    But I suppose smarts doesnt equal taste (or entertainment preferences). It is all staged.
    all of it.
    We live in the matrix

  • At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i know, i know, i should know better.


  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    i also liked moana, but travis seemed too straight edge to actually go for someone "cool". she wasn't a sure thing for him. i hope he is happy with the teacher - she was definitely the girl next store, less of a risk and maybe they'll do just fine settling down in nashville. i had more fun with the previous bachelor.

  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger zombie squirrels said…

    How'd you get her e-mail? That's why I don't watch reality TV - TV should be for escapism!! And like you said, that reality show probably isn't as real as the producers would lead you to believe...

  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger j said…

    myspace, of course! though i don't expect i'll hear back from her....


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