why do i do this to myself?
no, not go on dates with guys 10 years my senior.
watch the finale of the bachelor. f*ck that travis dude.
i had to put my words to use, so here is the e-mail i sent to the one he didn't choose, the one with whom i clearly identified and thought seemed pretty awesome. god, even the fairy tale tv shows can't get it right. unless they really truly are looking for a girl next door -- not someone rare and special, but literally whatever girl happens to live next door. (sorry, a little vicarious bitterness, i'm sure it will subside by tomorrow.)
>hey moana,
i know you don't know me from adam, but i am completely shocked and flabbergasted by what i witnessed on tv tonight. sure that guy is attractive, tall, successful, charming, whatever. but he demonstrated tonight that he is incredibly manipulative and, in the end, shallow. i mean, do you really go half way across the world to meet someone you could run into at the grocery store, or do you take a chance, reach out of your safety zone, and go for something and someone truly unique and life-changing? as an interracial, smart, attractive woman, it just kills me to see this kind of thing. sure, there is a lot that must have happened behind the scenes that we didn't see, and they edit it to create a particular story, but even i feel manipulated. someone who truly deserves you would have honored your willingness to make yourself vulnerable and if he wasn't 100% into it should have respectfully sent you on your way instead of essentially tricking you right up to the end. (you looked absolutely gorgeous that final night, by the way.) i hope that the time between the taping and now has been healing for you -- i've known that feeling of heartbreak myself, being with someone who you are so certain is the one for you and it doesn't work out. i'm not far -- in san diego, so for a little humor related to dating, have a look at my blog (mysterydater.blogspot.com) and if you want to grab a drink sometime, it is on me.
hang in there, you seem to be an amazing person and i'm sure someone worthy will recognize that if he hasn't already.
watch the finale of the bachelor. f*ck that travis dude.
i had to put my words to use, so here is the e-mail i sent to the one he didn't choose, the one with whom i clearly identified and thought seemed pretty awesome. god, even the fairy tale tv shows can't get it right. unless they really truly are looking for a girl next door -- not someone rare and special, but literally whatever girl happens to live next door. (sorry, a little vicarious bitterness, i'm sure it will subside by tomorrow.)
>hey moana,
i know you don't know me from adam, but i am completely shocked and flabbergasted by what i witnessed on tv tonight. sure that guy is attractive, tall, successful, charming, whatever. but he demonstrated tonight that he is incredibly manipulative and, in the end, shallow. i mean, do you really go half way across the world to meet someone you could run into at the grocery store, or do you take a chance, reach out of your safety zone, and go for something and someone truly unique and life-changing? as an interracial, smart, attractive woman, it just kills me to see this kind of thing. sure, there is a lot that must have happened behind the scenes that we didn't see, and they edit it to create a particular story, but even i feel manipulated. someone who truly deserves you would have honored your willingness to make yourself vulnerable and if he wasn't 100% into it should have respectfully sent you on your way instead of essentially tricking you right up to the end. (you looked absolutely gorgeous that final night, by the way.) i hope that the time between the taping and now has been healing for you -- i've known that feeling of heartbreak myself, being with someone who you are so certain is the one for you and it doesn't work out. i'm not far -- in san diego, so for a little humor related to dating, have a look at my blog (mysterydater.blogspot.com) and if you want to grab a drink sometime, it is on me.
hang in there, you seem to be an amazing person and i'm sure someone worthy will recognize that if he hasn't already.
At 4:19 PM, Anonymous said…
I hate reality tv, and I hate that you let yourself get sucked into it. You are a you are a 3 degree black belt in higher education...
But I suppose smarts doesnt equal taste (or entertainment preferences). It is all staged.
all of it.
We live in the matrix
At 4:30 PM, Anonymous said…
i know, i know, i should know better.
At 10:06 PM, A Room to Grow said…
i also liked moana, but travis seemed too straight edge to actually go for someone "cool". she wasn't a sure thing for him. i hope he is happy with the teacher - she was definitely the girl next store, less of a risk and maybe they'll do just fine settling down in nashville. i had more fun with the previous bachelor.
At 11:02 AM, zombie squirrels said…
How'd you get her e-mail? That's why I don't watch reality TV - TV should be for escapism!! And like you said, that reality show probably isn't as real as the producers would lead you to believe...
At 3:41 PM, j said…
myspace, of course! though i don't expect i'll hear back from her....
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