phone baggage, part II
i HATE waiting for the phone to ring. i mean, i'm not waiting, i'm cleaning, packing (going away again for a few days -- a conference this time), errand-running, listening to music, etc. but if you say you want to get together before i leave town again, follow through. if you are busy, call or e-mail. i know i obsess about this stuff but what can i say, it sends my frustration-ometer through the roof. maybe it is one of those "do unto others" type things, i try to be good about calling when i say i'm going to so others should be too (though i'm not so naive as to really believe the world operates under the golden rule). lately, i actually haven't been as great about the timely return phone calls to a few folks so maybe this is karmic payback. i think i'm going to go make a few calls right now. ; )
At 12:33 PM,
zombie squirrels said…
I'm with you on that, but I guess I'm more uptight about these things than the average person. If I say I'm gonna call someone, I do, and if someone says they're gonna and don't, it drives me batty.
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