man repellent?
ok, maybe i'm crazy. obsessive even. not that i'm keeping score...but...
one guy e-mailed me through friendster. sounded really interesting. asked me some questions (basic stuff, what brought you to SD, etc.) which i responded to a day or so after he asked. no word back.
one guy i had a few dates with about 1.5 years ago, recently ran into each other again, let's hang out he says, he e-mailed, i wrote back about a week later, no word back.
guy who i went to college with, sent a really sweet e-mail after we ran into each other, then a belated valentine's day e-card, e-mailed him, no word back.
righty law student guy, wanted to meet up this week, sent an e-mail to see what his week was looking like, no word back.
guy i had a nice conversation with when i was up in the bay area, he lives up there, never heard back from him.
in a slight moment of weakness last weekend, i called someone i used to date that i haven't talked to in a little while and would genuinely like to be friends with (not that one, don't worry), no word back.
maybe i need to verify that my Secret roll-on is still working?
at least there is one (young) man that is not repelled:
one guy e-mailed me through friendster. sounded really interesting. asked me some questions (basic stuff, what brought you to SD, etc.) which i responded to a day or so after he asked. no word back.
one guy i had a few dates with about 1.5 years ago, recently ran into each other again, let's hang out he says, he e-mailed, i wrote back about a week later, no word back.
guy who i went to college with, sent a really sweet e-mail after we ran into each other, then a belated valentine's day e-card, e-mailed him, no word back.
righty law student guy, wanted to meet up this week, sent an e-mail to see what his week was looking like, no word back.
guy i had a nice conversation with when i was up in the bay area, he lives up there, never heard back from him.
in a slight moment of weakness last weekend, i called someone i used to date that i haven't talked to in a little while and would genuinely like to be friends with (not that one, don't worry), no word back.
maybe i need to verify that my Secret roll-on is still working?
at least there is one (young) man that is not repelled:

At 9:59 AM,
zombie squirrels said…
I meant to mention something about your breath last night...
I'm kidding. All it means is that guys are flakes. Well, I got stood up last night, too, so everyone is a flake. I've felt pretty flaky myself for the past month, so who knows. What is the meaning of life?
At 10:44 PM,
Jennifer said…
Here, here...most guys are flakes and most women (me included) read into things too much... So you have more time to relax, sleep, play with your beautiful nephew...and drink beer on St. Paddy's day with your friends! But wait, I won't be there in SD! That no good. OK, this rambling response does have a point: I love that I get to "hear" more about your life via this blog. Seriously! It's pretty cool. And your writing ain't bad either, chica. What, did you go to some fancy schools and rack up a few degrees or something? :)
At 11:03 AM,
Jonna* said…
Have you checked your signature on your email replies? Does it say something like "You suck, go to hell"? I would think that if it did, that might be why you aren't getting responses. That or your spam blocker is set on "man blocker"
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