the superstitious side of me is afraid to talk about it, to "jinx" it.
the hopeless romantic side of me is positively giddy.
the pragmatic side of me is worried, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
i don't know what's going to happen here. i haven't pushed a conversation to define this yet. but the overly analytical side of me will only be able to bite my tongue for so long.
so we'll see. in the meantime, i've had to decide how to handle other potential datees. i've put my "it's just a midday meal" (and a huge waste of cash) membership on hold...and here is my recent exchange with a lovely, 40 year old, wildly intelligent-seeming divorced father of one from denver with whom i've been e-mailing for about a month through nerve.com...(we contemplated meeting in SD this summer...not an idea i'd usually entertain, but this guy definitely piqued my interest...)
> Sender: J
> To: B
> Date: Jul 20, 2007 3:12 pm PST
> hi b!
> i'm home now too, finally -- i do enjoy traveling, but there is something to be said about being at home in your own bed!
> so, i want to be honest with you. someone from my past has recently re-entered my life...i'm skeptical but for the moment seeing where it goes. i'm excited at the prospect of meeting you, but i want to be totally upfront with my situation (literally changing as of the last three weeks!). i feel like honesty/candor is rare in the world of online dating but it's really important to me.
> not sure how that strikes you, but i would like to stay in touch (and even possibly meet) depending on how things unfold.
> hope all is well with you and that i hear from you again at some point!
> cheers -- j
I know exactly what you mean about being home, although right now jumping on a plane to somewhere cooler is VERY appealing! We're going to be in the mid-90s for at least the next week..... Fall is my favorite time of year, with cooler temperatures being a major appeal!
I appreciate your candor! Although drat on the timing--I was just about up to asking if you have floor space available! That has to be an interesting dynamic--I've not experienced it in the sense that I've never (to this point, at least!) gotten involved again with someone I was with previously. Not entirely sure why, but.......
So yes, let's stay in touch! And I'd love to meet sometime! (Who wouldn't want to meet you?)
And also to be candid, part of me wishes you the best with whoever is returning, and part of me doesn't........
At 8:55 PM,
Jonna* said…
B? Who's B?
At 4:30 PM,
j said…
his name is bob.
he's from denver.
so perhaps we can refer to him as "bob denver."
sunshine on my shoulders DOES make me quite happy after all.
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